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About Shona, founder of ABWR

I set up ABWR because I want people to not only look great on the outside, but feel great on the inside too. I’m passionate about reflexology and want to share its positive effects with as many people as possible. It’s much more than just a massage for your feet, with potential clinical benefits for mind and body that are often overlooked, misunderstood or not fully appreciated. It can be the ideal antidote to the stresses of everyday life

My interest in reflexology began as a stay-at-home mum with two children. Through looking after my family’s needs, I started to neglect my own – always rushing around and saying ‘yes’ to everything because I was no longer working. Soon I was feeling exhausted and burnt out. And while I wasn’t obviously ill, I didn’t feel the best version of me and wanted to have more energy again.

I embarked on my wellness journey when I found reflexology, retraining as a Clinical Reflexologist. I qualified in 2019, attaining the highest possible qualification within the UK, which is credited by Edinburgh Napier University (SQCF Level 8). Additionally, I am a member of the Association of Reflexologists – a professional accreditation only given to the most highly trained reflexologists who are bound by a code of practice and ethics and fully insured to perform all treatments. I now want to help others feel as well as they can, and I have a particular interest in helping women who find themselves in a similar situation to the one I found myself in.

Come and find your best self with ABWR.

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